Wednesday, 4 July 2007

M & S Pig Out!!!!

I got a £10 gift voucher at the work awards on Friday so today I went and splurged on lots of lovely M & S food! I've eaten a bit already- not a lot, but still a bit. I bought:

  1. Strawberry Paviolla (s.p?) Ice cream
  2. Cookies and Cream Ice cream
  3. Cheese and Chive Crisps
  4. Focaccia Selection (Italian bread)
  5. Blueberry and oat Cookies
  6. Four blueberry Muffins

Yum!!!! :P (licking lips)

I also bought two bags from Primark (You can never have too many bags). Unfortunately Peacocks was closed (until tomorrow) so I will have another look for even more bags in there soon.

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